Woman reading a book, sat relaxed in bed.


“Be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou

Dark mornings. Endless rain. Overflowing to-do lists. This time of year can be challenging for us all, with even the hardiest of us forced to spend more time inside.

But simple things can lift us – like being kind. We’ve curated a kindness-themed mini ‘playlist’ to celebrate the big difference that being kind to yourself and being kind to others can make.

Take as much or little time as you can spare to explore…

2-minute watch:

Simon Sinek on the Scientific Power of Kindness – a quick-fire, everyday nugget about oxytocin and nature’s way of getting us to look after each other.

1-hour listen:

Claudia Hammond shares the results of The Anatomy of Kindness – the biggest ever public science project on kindness. What makes us kind? How does it affect our wellbeing? And does income make any difference?


1-month read:

There are plenty of books about kindness out there. But few will hit you with the emotional heft of RJ Palacio’s bestselling novel Wonder; the story of a 10-year-old boy starting ‘real’ school for the first time in his life…

Book cover of 'Wonder' by author R J Palacio, illustrated by Tad Carpenter


If you're looking for more recommendations of things to watch, listen to and read, take a look at our NATURAL THINKING / 05 playlist – themed all around spring. It's not as far away as you might think you know!

And on the subject of being kind, find out about our new initiative for being kind to the planet – now using Prevented Ocean Plastic in all our land&water bottles.

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